Social Studies

Through social studies, children and young people develop their understanding of the world by learning about other people, societies, their beliefs and values.

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Through social studies, children and young people develop their understanding of the world by learning about other people and their values, in different times, places and circumstances, and how their environment has been shaped.

Our programme of study in Social studies is designed to encourage links with other areas of the curriculum and to provide learners with a deeper, more enjoyable and active experience.

It is our aim that children and young people participating in experiences and outcomes in social studies will:

  • develop their understanding of the history, heritage and culture of Scotland, and an appreciation of their local and national heritage within the world
  • broaden their understanding of the world by learning about human activities and achievements in the past and present
  • develop their understanding of their own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others
  • develop an understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking
  • explore and evaluate different types of sources and evidence
  • learn how to locate, explore and link periods, people and events in time and place
  • learn how to locate, explore and link features and places locally and further afield
  • engage in activities which encourage enterprising attitudes
  • develop an understanding of concepts that encourage enterprise and influence business
  • establish firm foundations for lifelong learning and for further specialised study and careers.

The social studies experiences and outcomes have been structured in three lines of development:

  • people, past events and societies
  • people, place and environment
  • people in society, economy and business.

Social studies experiences and outcomes are designed to encourage links with other areas of the curriculum to provide learners with a deeper, more enjoyable and active experience.

Active citizenship is a central feature of learning in social studies for children and young people, developing skills and knowledge to enable and encourage participation. Social studies offer opportunities for children and young people to become involved in their local community and the wider world and are therefore an important vehicle for opportunities to consider and develop their role as active and informed citizens.

It is important that all staff teaching social studies look for opportunities to develop and reinforce social studies knowledge and skills within their teaching activities and plan interdisciplinary studies including a coherent approach to the development of literacy, numeracy, citizenship, creativity, enterprise and sustainability.

Take a look at our school social studies policy for more information.  This can be found under the "Parents" tab where you should click on "Policies".